
Bina Peska Blog Kese Banai - Full Tutorial

Bina Peska Blog Kese Banai - Full Tutorial

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to create a block without spending any money. The tutorial will guide you through the entire process from A to Z. If you watched my previous video on how to create a block, you might remember that I mentioned using WordPress pages and investing in hosting and a domain. However, in this tutorial, we will focus on creating a block for free.

Firstly, it's important to note that you can create a block for free using a WordPress hosting option. While there are limitations to this approach, it is still a viable option. For those who are just starting out or don't want to invest in hosting, this is a great solution. You can still rank your block on search engines and even monetize it with affiliate products or advertisements.

Let's take a specific example to understand the process better. Say you want to create a health-related block. One popular topic within this niche is weight loss. You can choose to focus on this topic and cover subtopics such as weight loss methods, weight gain methods, tips for diabetes patients, blood pressure control, and more.

When selecting a topic, it's important to consider its sensitivity. Health is a sensitive topic, so it's crucial to approach it with the right mindset. From a blogging perspective, health-related topics are in high demand because people are always searching for health-related information. By covering subtopics related to health, you can attract a specific audience and build your authority in this niche.

Now, let's talk about the steps to create a block. If you prefer video tutorials, you can embed a video from YouTube or include relevant images and infographics to enhance your content. Remember to respect copyright laws and use copyright-free images if you choose to include them.

Start by creating a new page on your blogging platform. If you're using Blogger, go to the Blogger page on your blog and click on "New Post". This is similar to creating a new blog post. The process is the same, but the interface may differ slightly. Write your blog post, add titles, subtitles, and content. Break up long content into paragraphs, subheaders, and lists to make it more reader-friendly.

Once you have written your blog post, you can add images, infographics, or any other media to make it visually appealing. If you want to embed a YouTube video, you can copy the video code and paste it into your blog post. You can also download copyright-free images from websites like Pixabay if you're looking for keyword research or step-by-step tutorials, as mentioned in the video.

After creating your blog post, you can give it a title and add relevant meta descriptions. The meta description should be optimized for search engines and give a brief overview of your blog post. Keep it under 160 characters to ensure it displays properly in search engine results.

Now, let's summarize the video in a detailed format:

Steps to Create a Blog:

  • Create a new page on your blogging platform.
  • Write your blog post, add titles, subtitles, and content.
  • Break up long content into paragraphs, subheaders, and lists.
  • Add relevant images, infographics, or videos to enhance your content.
  • Optimize your blog post with meta descriptions and keywords.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogger and WordPress:

  • Blogger:
    • Free to use.
    • Easy customization.
    • Can easily add Google Ads to your blog.
    • Good for beginners.
  • WordPress:
    • Offers more customization options.
    • Better for SEO with plugins like Yoast.
    • Better control over your blog.
    • Automatic backups and security measures.

It's important to note that while Blogger is free and easy to use, it has limitations in terms of customization and adding advertisements. On the other hand, WordPress offers more flexibility and control over your blog, making it a popular choice for bloggers. However, it requires a domain and hosting, which can be a disadvantage for some.

If you decide to go with WordPress, you can purchase a domain and hosting from sites like GoDaddy or BigRock. This will give you more control over your blog and allow you to fully customize it. Additionally, you can install plugins to enhance your blog's SEO and speed.

Remember to create essential pages such as About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions. These pages are important for both SEO and legal purposes. You can also create landing pages to attract specific actions from your visitors.

Finally, if you choose to monetize your blog, you can add Google AdSense or other advertisements to your blog posts. This can be done manually by copying and pasting the ad code provided by the advertising platform. Alternatively, you can use plugins to easily manage your ads.

Overall, blogging is a great way to express your thoughts, share information, and even earn money. Whether you choose Blogger or WordPress, the key is to start and learn along the way. Don't be afraid to explore different topics and experiment with different techniques to make your blog successful.
